Let's get small
It’s been quite some time since I cobbled together a blog post. The problem is, the longer you leave something, the more of a big deal it becomes. If I’m going to publish something now, after months of absence, it had better be good, right? Well, I’ve fallen out of the habit, so chances are it’s not going to be great. Reality and my expectations are shifting in opposite directions. It’s time to bite the bullet.
It’d be far better to get back into the habit gently, with a short post. One that makes a simple point, and then it’s done. A lot of the time those turn out to be the best posts. We’ve all got shit to get on with. In some cases, literally.
Just because I haven’t posted, doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. A couple of months ago I wrote 3000 words about Dune: Part Two. I never hit publish. Having written so much, I couldn’t deal with the effort of going back and editing it down. If I can’t face reading it, why would I expect anyone else to?
200 words or so, that should be enough. Something I can knock out in a single sitting, twice a month. That’s the new goal. My expectations are back in line with reality. Let’s see how I get on.