Small Things Worth Writing About

As mentioned yesterday, today’s post has no content of its own. Here’s a list of articles I might want to write. Having to come up with a fresh article every day is scary. Let’s add some prompts so I can Start with abundance. In The Business I believe they refer to this as a “content pipeline”. My pipeline consists of two stages. Either it’s published or it isn’t.

There are a million topics I could blog about, but topics are big and scary. I mean, how the hell am I supposed to write “a blog post about software development”? Even drilling into “a blog post about patterns in Python” seems daunting.

If I start with a small, specific concept then I might stand a better chance. Nothing is too small to write about. This roughly follows Andy Matuschak’s advice for evergreen notes:

In their current format, there’s not much difference between “notes” and “posts” on this site.

  1. Detachment is the only way to survive
  2. You can’t die on every hill
  3. Okay, so I understand who I am not, but who am I?
  4. Vim is the gift that keeps on giving
  5. Why I make my own granola
  6. This barcode makes me feel like an idiot
  7. Skip the catching up and actually talk to each other
  8. I’m making it up as I go along even though I have all these notes
  9. The best decision is the one you’ve made
  10. You are not always at your best
  11. Assume positive intent
  12. “Posts”, “notes” and “articles”

That is at least enough to get me going for now. This is the first time I’ve published two days in a row on this site. Little victories are worth celebrating.